MOE! Royal Idols

🐣MOE e Okaerinasaimase!🐣

As Spring blossoms, there’s a clash in the MOE mansion! Maid Mari and Maid Kotoko are having extended debates about which is better dressed- Royals or Idols? Maid Lottie is up within the action to get the latest MOE scoop whilst Maid Hestia watches with intrigue of her now futuristic companions. The distraction has proven the optimal time for Butler Piero to play yet his favourite prank so far; telling Butler Lucky that his tail is indeed a new fetch toy. Meanwhile Maid Melody has fallen asleep once again whilst preparing the mansion’s yearly egg hunt, but don’t worry with a mix of Maid Amelia currently removing all non-pink eggs from the basket and Maid Kijo cheering her on, we’re sure our masters will have a time they will never forget!

This event sadly marks the graduation event for both Maid Kotoko and Maid Mari, whilst we are sad to see them depart, we welcome Maid Hestia, Maid Kijo and Butler Lucky on their first serving event! The season marks new beginnings so we hope our masters welcome everyone!


Serving you will be...

Slot 1: 11:30 - 14:30

Slot 1 - Spring Start!

The MOE mansion can hear the spring birds chirping! Our maids and Butlers will be dressed in floral and spring motifs!

Slot 2: 15:30 - 18:30

Slot 2 - Crowns & Idols

With both Maid Mari and Maid Kotoko leaving the mansion, we shall send them a farewell with a special slot of the maids and butlers dressed in either royal gowns or idol outfits!

Event Specials

Event Exclusive! Virtual Chat!~

Members of MOE!Live will be around via a screen to chat with our masters as well! We are also joined by Guest Maid Rokoko who will be clowning around with the VTubers and welcoming you home!


Does your birthday fall a week (7 days) before, during or after our event? Let the Doorman know (proof required!) and we will sing you Happy Birthday and present you with a free full event staff chekki!

Slot 1 Exclusive! MOE MOE Live!~

Maid Amelia and Maid Kijo will be doing a live for you! We hope you’ve prepared your penlights!

Slot 1 Exclusive! Hatching VOTE!~

The mansion’s easter eggs have gone missing! We’ve asked our serving maids and butlers to decorate some eggs which will be display but they’ve started a debate on whose is the most MOE! We need our masters help to cast a vote to settle the score!

Slot 2 Exclusive! An Idol’s Last Live!~

Maid Kotoko will do a live for you as her farewell ;w;/ Our ever shy maid has grown so much and we hope our masters will cheer for her then!!

Slot 2 Exclusive! What Maid Mari SAYS!~

A spin on ‘Simon Says’ where Maid Mari will be testing our master’s royalty to her! The winner will get a special harem chekki!


We hope you will be able to join us!