Maid Pixie

““Pixie World Domination!”””



12th August



Oshi Mark


Blood type


Soul colour




Favourite food

Anything with Matcha

Favourite flower



Studying idols, Singing and dancing!

Random fact

As a fox, she has impeccable hearing!

Ever since she was a young girl, she dreamed of being an idol, training enthusiastically all day and night to perfect her performance. But no matter how hard she tried, how many talent shows, karaoke contests or even open mics she entered, she froze whenever under the spotlight. Her heart would thump so hard it rang in her ears and it always ended up the same; She would forget how to sing. She studied other idols far and wide, but nothing could help her conquer her fear.

One night after a particularly disastrous show where Pixie froze as soon as she was in front of the mic, she huddled amongst her many favourite plushies, with a wishful tear hoping that she would one day be surrounded by others just like her and performing on a vast stage! She didn’t even know when she fell asleep but she awoke she was met with a sense of weightlessness. Pixie was floating, seemingly in the vast expanse of space. Confused and afraid, she explored an eerily silent void. Where was she? What happened? Before she could even make sense of it all, a bright light shined as she saw a portal open up in front of her. Without a second thought, she leaped towards her brand new adventure.

This adventure turned out to be the ability to hop from dimension to dimension, different versions of the world she once called home. The only drawback? She was only able to visit these words through a screen. Initially scared, soon Pixie’s bright personality began to gain her new friendships with all manners of beings! The more confidence that she gained, the more she realised her form was changing. All the sketches of outfits she could only have dreamed of wearing formed around her. First it was her hair fading into a pastel pink, then big fluffy fennec fox ears sprouting atop of her head along with a big, fluffy tail now wagging happily. 

Teleporting from one dimension to another throughout the years began to take a toll on the young idol, she felt a longing for a sense of home, a place where despite her digital form, she would be accepted as the performer she was. That was when she jumped into a screen overlooking a vast mansion, in front of some beings dressed in wonderfully beautiful dresses who stared at her shockingly. Pixie had hijacked the screens of the MOE mansion during their idol performance practices! Before she could speak, she heard the music being played and began humming along. Realising that she had finished the whole song singing from her heart, a sense of panic flowed through Pixie, ready to apologise for interrupting the practice session.

“OH! GEE WHIZ! You’re FANTASTIC!~ Could you please sing again??” A maid with her eyes glimmering behind her monocle asked followed by noises of agreement from her peers. That icky feeling in her throat was gone, she could sing all she wanted here. Even if she could only exist in the Mansion’s screens or TV-Androids, she could not be stopped anymore! 

Pixie had finally found her voice. She had become the idol who came to see you!