Maid Fangy

“Don’t worry, Katsu Curry!”



26th March



Blood type

A…in human blood?

Soul colour

Muted Purple



Favourite food

Meat, Curry and all sweets!

Favourite flower



Hunting (prey animals, treasures, good deals), playing video games badly, playing tabletop games goodly (do humans say that?)

Random fact

Initially she asked to be given carrot cake as a form of payment but was told it’s not how humans work.

For centuries the cryptid called Fangy lived peacefully in the forests of [████████], USA. Being the child of a jackalope and an ozark howler gave her the unique ability to shapeshift between the two forms and she would spend her days hunting as an ozark howler or foraging for yummy carrots as a jackalope. These ordinary days ended when the rumours of her existence caught the attention of a certain organisation. Taking advantage of the cryptid’s naivety, the group left delicious food out as bait for her and took her to study in their research facility. 

The scientists studying her noticed that Fangy was mimicking them and decided to try to teach her human communication. Fangy found this very exciting because it meant she could ask them to bring her their best meats. “This place isn’t so bad after all”, she thought. Sometimes one of the researchers would even let her watch him play games on his phone, which she was fascinated by. She decided to “borrow” his phone and quickly became enthralled with the device and the games on it. Unfortunately the researchers were angry when she wouldn’t let go of the phone. Even worse, they refused to give her something called a “credit card” which the game said she needed in order to make “pulls”. 

This was unacceptable to Fangy so she decided to leave! It was a little difficult because she failed her stealth checks, but she eventually emerged from the lab. Lost and far from home, she simply followed a delicious smell through the woods until she came upon a beautiful mansion. Fangy wandered in and began helping herself to the food she found in the kitchen. Little did she know that behind her was a group of confused individuals dressed in beautiful dresses, watching her in shock. The next moment, food was removed from her hands, then replaced with a mop and bucket and told sternly that she would have to work off whatever she ate.

This was a big mistake on the maids and butlers, because Fangy was an extremely clumsy cryptid. The amount of money that she owed only increased as the days went by and they had to replace broken plates and replaced clothes the customers had that she spilled drinks on. Despite her destructive nature, Fangy always excelled in her virtual passtime of playing games and even chatting with her new Ojou-sama and Goshujin-samas of the MOE mansion (When she wasn’t spilling cakes and the like on them).

Maid Arisa (Fascinated by the aura around Fangy) convinced the mansion to continue to let her stay under one condition. Fangy was told that maybe she should leave the serving to the maids and butlers already present at the mansion and simply talk to everyone via the screen she was used to. Unlike the scary researchers, not all humans were scary and maybe talking and learning more about humans will help her understand herself more!