Butler Lucky

“This is gonna be so totally pawsome!”



11th April


17 (He thinks?)

Blood type

DEA 1.1+



Soul colour



Dressing up, collecting cute things, watching cartoons, playing ball games, taking naps, snacking.

Favourite foods

Cheese has got to be up there. Whilst he loves sweet things, he’s sadly allergic to chocolates.

Favourite flower


Random fact

Contrary to popular belief, Lucky can see in full colour!

Lucky was born in a litter of golden retrievers destined for greatness, bred for very important jobs as part of the VIPs family- that’s Very Important Pets. Compared to his brothers and sisters, Lucky’s special talent wasn’t so obvious when it finally came time to train him. Perhaps it was the bad influence from his loving foster family, one that would often decorate him with various accessories which distracted him from paying attention to his various lessons. He was sent to many puppy schools specialising in different jobs but he was always deemed too excited or clumsy. Every rejection did not bring the puppy down however but brought him even more enthusiasm to try even harder. His training team was running out of choices in what to do with Lucky until one of the members suddenly remembered a perfect place for him to discover his talent. A place just for happy-go-lucky individuals just like him to learn more about themselves. Without delay, Lucky was sent off an adventure!

He arrived in front of the gate of a grand mansion, with only his most important items (hundreds of hairclips and accessories). There were so many new smells and temptations! New branches to chew on and holes to dig! No! He must focus and meet his new masters! His tail wagged in excitement as he rang the bell and rushed right through the gates as soon as they were open- completely missing that the instant he entered through the gates a warm glow shone from his core, turning the furry friend into a human (mostly). With a single ring of the doorbell and what seemed to be like an eternity of anticipation for Lucky, An orange haired maid opened the door with a scowl on her face,

“…huh?! Who are you? Hey, get of-” Before she was able to finish her sentence, the simple-minded puppy couldn’t contain his excitement and jumped right into the arms of the confused maid in red! After a few scoldings and multiple cleaning products for the mud on her dress, Lucky finally settled down enough to explain his situation along with the written plea to teach the puppy for some tricks. He couldn’t wait to see what exhilarating games of fetch would be played. Maybe even competitive frisbee or even better… paw! He knew this was definitely going to be the place he would be able to finally find out his destiny as man’s best friend!

YAY! He was so lucky to be here!